Advanced Clinical Mentorship 2024-2025


  • 1 Year Program
  • 3rd Level Certification Course
  • September 2024 thru September 2025
  • Tuition $2200

The Earthwalk School of Herbal Traditions is pleased to announce its long-time-coming 3rd level program, which is an Advanced Clinical Mentorship. This program is a year-long course that dives into the very spirit of herbalism, with an emphasis on deep healing, connection, and clinical study. This continues the journey for the herbalist seeking a solid foundation in the professional skills necessary to become a successful practicing herbalist.

Our first level Apprenticeship represents the Body. This level is hands-on learning. Making products, learning anatomy and physiology, meeting the plants. A wonderful introduction.

The intermediate level Community Herbalist Training represents the Mind. We begin in the winter. It is a more introspective course. We begin learning how to read the body with facial, tongue, and pulse analysis. We learn how to perform an intake for someone seeking herbal guidance. We begin to understand more complicated health conditions. We give you the skills to be able to help others.

This 3rd level represents the Spirit. This levels focuses on internalizing the lessons of the first two courses, and the tone of this course takes on a more spiritual note. In this level you will attend a class once a month, perform case studies, deepen your relationship with plants, create a self-study plan for reading books on herbalism, and attend roundtable clinics. Students will have a one hour check-in with their assigned mentor each month, which will be via phone, Zoom, or in-person. This one-on-one time allows for a deeper understanding of protocols and provides students with focused time for processing consultations and receiving constructive feedback. In addition to the one-on-one monthly meetings, there will be 4, pod Zoom meetings.  Your pod is comprised of all 4 students studying with a particular mentor. In these fun, team-building meetings, your mentor will guide you thru exercises designed to strengthen your critical thinking, and deepen your assessment skills.

Assignments. We designed this course with the idea that it will fit into your working and/or parenting life, so we hope that the schedule is accommodating to you. With that in mind,  students will be expected to read 5-6 books and complete book reports, 8 clinical observation forms, write a reflection piece on your chosen area of focus, and attend the four clinics. If there is a class that you cannot make, we will invite you to attend via Zoom, or listen to a recording of the class.  If a class is missed, you must listen to the recording of the class and write a paper on what you learned.  Our hope is for you to attend classes in person as much as possible! A detailed presentation of a case study is a requirement to graduate.

This course will be led by local, Clinical Herbalists- Melanie Scofield, and Jillian Twisla. In addition to each teacher being proficient as Clinical Herbalists, they also bring their unique clinical experience and education to the table.  Melanie Scofield is certified in the modality of Compassionate Inquiry (a psychotherapeutic approach to healing developed by Dr. Gabor Mate).  Jillian Twisla is an Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner, trained by Dr. Daniel Foor.  We see these modalities as being very complimentary, which brings a depth and richness to the material in this course. Students will be awarded with a certificate of completion in Advanced Clinical Herbal Studies. When you register for the course, you will need to consider your first choice mentor and second choice mentor,  (Jillian or Melanie).  We can also choose for you, based on who we think the best fit might be.

We have 3 guest teachers joining us this year:  Tommy Priester, Hamid Jabbar, and Ray Mroczynski (xe/xir). Tommy is a clinical herbalist residing in Lincoln, MA with a bustling private practice, as well as a shamanic practitioner.  He has developed extensive protocols for working with Lyme, co-infections,  and also parasitic infections. Tommy will joining us for our first, full-day clinic.  We welcome Tommy and honor his 30 years of clinical experience and we are sure to learn so much as we observe him working with clients.  To learn more about Tommy, please visit

Hamid Jabbar (aka, the Mineral Shaman) resides between Arizona and Maine. He travels often to Peru leading groups on plant medicine journeys.  He is a yoga practitioner, a sound healer, and a practitioner of the Root Cause Protocol, which primarily focuses on mineral balance.  Hamid has a number of podcasts on his website that can be listened to on his website:

Ray Mroczynski (xe/xir) is a Massage Therapist, a Structural Integration Practitioner, student of Somatic Psychology, and student of the Neuromyofascial Web. In this day-long participatory and embodied workshop, we will explore the fascia: its context within historic scientific conceptualizations; cellular, chemical, and physical properties; and fascia as metaphor for different methods of engaging with post-biomechanical human structure and function. 

For more information about scholarships, payment plans, and our financial policies, please go here.

We do not run this course every year.  We are thrilled to offer this incredible immersion into the healing arts once again. If you have been eagerly awaiting this course, please do not hesitate to enroll or call to ask us any questions.  617-755-8063

May you be well, may you be healed, may the plants guide your way.




Class dates and subjects:

  • Sept. 14, 15- Opening Weekend Intensive- Camping on Jillians land in Hope.  Classes include: Course guidelines/course completion, Creating a Healing Cosmology, Ancestral Healing, Contemplative Science and Direct Observation of Plants; The Geothean Process.
  • Oct. 12- Grounding and Boundaries with Jillian Twisla (@ Hyllatree in Hope). 10-4
  • Nov. 17- Sunday! All Day Clinic with Tommy Priester @Earthwalk School in Rockport. 10-4
  • Dec. 14- Healing with Minerals with Hamid Jabbar, the Mineral Shaman 10-4 (Location TBA)
  • Jan. 11th- Weaving within the Neuromyofascial Web: Understanding the Fascia with Ray Mroczynski 10-4 (@Hyllantree in Hope)
  • Feb. 8- All Day Clinic with Jillian (@Hyllantree). 10-4
  • March 8- Trauma and Addictions (Herbs, Compassion, and Mindfulness Practices) With Melanie (@Earthwalk in Rockport) 10-4
  • April 12- Plant Allies and Animal Spirits.  A day of shamanic journeying with Jillian Twisla (@ Hyllantree)10-4
  • May10- Healing the Heart With Jillian Twisla (@Hyllantree in Hope). 10-4
  • June 14- All Day Clinic  with Melanie @ Earthwalk School in Rockport 10-4
  • July 12- External Applications/Herbal Therapies. Led by Melanie Scofield (@Earthwalk). 10-4
  • Aug 9- Last Clinic with Melanie (@Earthwalk in Rockport) 10-4
  • Sept. 13, 14- Student Presentations and Graduation Day! (on Jillian’s land in Hope)

All classes are held from 10am-4pm except for the camping trips which will be held on Steve’s beautiful land just minutes away from downtown Belfast. The details for arrival and departure of the first and last weekends will be included in your introductory email.   Once all students sign up we will send a detailed description of the classes, along with a list of books for reading assignments, and a timeline of due dates.  Students will receive book report forms, clinical observation forms and handouts on the first day of class in September.

Hyllantree classes are held in Hope, just 15 minutes from the Earthwalk School. Directions will be provided to students in the introductory letter.

To Register: One must be competent in the field of herbalism. A knowledge of the plants and working with others is required to join this course. Please contact us if you are interested!

Payments: We require a 50% ($1100) deposit upon registration. Venmo is our preferred method of receiving payment.  Please send your payment to @Melanie-earthwalk-school.  Venmo will accept credit cards as a form of payment. Checks are fine. The other 50% of tuition must be paid in full 3 weeks before the start date of the course. In order to budget successfully for this course, we are asking for a strong, sincere financial commitment. If you need to drop out of the course before it begins, we will refund you except for a $200 non-refundable registration fee. If you need to drop out 3 weeks or less before the course begins, we cannot refund your downpayment. If you cannot continue the course once it has begun, we are unable refund your tuition.


Send us a message here to learn more about any of our programs.